_ Productive _ Fun-Loving _ Avoids Confrontations _ ConscientiousĨ. _ Problem Solver _ Enjoys Popularity _ Gives In To Others _ Factualħ. _ Competitive _ Promoter _ Dislikes Change _ PracticalĦ.
_ Enterprising _ Very Verbal _ Enjoys Routine _ Predictableĥ. _ Determined _ Visionary _ Calm, Even Keel _ ConsistentĤ. _ Takes Charge _ Takes Risks _ Loyal _ Accurateģ. _ Likes Authority _ Enthusiastic _ Sensitive Feelings _ Likes InstructionsĢ. On each horizontal line of words, you will then have one “4”, one “3”, one “2”, and one “1”.įor example: One choice for the first line of words would be as follows:ģ Likes Authority 4 Enthusiastic 2 Sensitive Feelings 1 Likes Instructionsġ. In each line, put the number “4” next to the word that best describes you in that line a “3” next to the word that describes you next best a “2” to the next best word, and a “1” by the word that least describes you. Landlord (Tenant) Recommendation Letterīelow are ten horizontal lines with four words on each line, one in each column.